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TyrePal Remote Monitoring System Accredited by FORS

TyrePal Monitoring System

TyrePal has been awarded accredited supplier status by the Fleet Operative Recognition Scheme (FORS). Monitoring tyre condition can increase fuel economy, tyre lifespan, and driver behaviour in addition to reducing accidents and breakdowns — the TeleTPMS system virtually eliminates the chance of blowout. TyrePal is offering a month’s discount for FORS accredited operators wishing to purchase TeleTPMS subscriptions.

TyrePal’s remote monitoring system has received accreditation from FORS

FORS is a voluntary accreditation scheme for commercial vehicle operators, who focus on safety, efficiency, and environmental protection. It offers three levels of accredited membership, encouraging operators to work towards best practice.

TyrePal’s TeleTPMS remotely monitors the tyre pressures of a fleet of commercial vehicles, removing reliance on individual drivers. Each tyre pressure is measured when stationary and mobile, and transmitted via GPS to a remote database, where it can later be retrieved for analysis. Data can be viewed by the fleet manager and the driver. The system not only provides continuous monitoring, but also gives alerts for high pressure, low pressure, fast leakage of air or high temperature. These alerts can be delivered to the fleet manager by text or email. This type of monitoring helps improve driver behaviour and compliance with safety procedures.

FORS accreditation means we have been recognised for the increases in safety and efficiency we provide. With proper monitoring of the tyre, failures including blowouts could be predicted and avoided.” says Peter Tillotson, Business Development Manager for TyrePal.

A free month of TeleTPMS is available for accredited FORS operators on up to 30 vehicles, a possible saving of £300. The system is suitable for HGVs, buses, coaches and trailers. It boosts safety, improves fuel economy and allows for both driver and fleet operator to view the tyre’s status.

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