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Tractor Registrations in Spain Increased in May

Tractor Registrations in Spain

In May 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food in Spain recorded 859 new tractor registrations, a number that is 13.32% higher than in May 2023. From January 2024 to May 2024, there were 3,732 tractor registrations in total, 14.23% more than last year.

Tractor Registrations in Spain: The Statistics

There was a 6.43% increase in automotive machinery registrations in Spain in May 2024. However, between January 2024 and May 2024, that number declined by 5.04%, with 640 registrations in 2024. Spain also registered a decline of towed or suspended machinery registrations, with 1,382 units registered in May 2024, compared to 1,434 in 2023. The number also declined for the period between January 2024 and May 2024, showing a 9.07% decline compared to 2023.

The regions with the highest numbers of tractor registrations include Andalucia (194), Catalonia (101), Castille and Leon (100), Aragon (83) and Castilla la Mancha (77), among others. Speaking of the towed or suspended machinery registrations, the regions with the highest numbers remain somewhat the same, with Andalucia (249), Castilla la Mancha (222), Castille and Leon (181), Catalonia (136) and Galicia (109).


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