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Technical Support for TBR and Bus Tyres from Falken now Available in Several Languages

TBR Bus Tyres Falken Support

It can be downloaded in several languages at the B2B web shop and the media centre.

A Technical Support Guide Now Available in Several Languages

The Technical Support Guide for TBR and Bus Tyres published in English by Falken Tyre Europe GmbH for its customers throughout Europe is now available in several additional languages. From now on, the guide for registered customers is available to be downloaded in English, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian and Greek. Additional languages are already in preparation.

Due to the increasing cost pressure and to further improve its technical customer service, Falken decided to create a detailed guide in which it provides useful information on how to save costs when it comes to tyres. The guide also contains information on use-related recommendations, tyre pressure and some of the basics. Another section discusses the usual forms of damage suffered by tyres during their use, and how this can be avoided.

The company has also made available two new air pressure tables for HGV and commercial vehicle tyres as A2-format posters. The posters are initially available for download in English and German in the web shop. On request, the customer advisers at Falken will also be happy to send hard-copy posters to their customers.

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