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Slight Drop in UK Tractor Figures Continues Reversal of Fortunes in 2022

UK Tractor Reversal 2022

After a positive year in 2021 with the first 8 months of the year recording increases, there was a slight 3.9% decrease in tractor sales, in figures released by the Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA).

Minor Decline in Tractor Sales for February Nevertheless Showing an Improvement on January’s Levels

With 571 sales of tractors over 50 hp, this figure is 3.9% down on February 2021’s 594 units. In terms of the year-to-date sales, 1,071 tractors have been registered so far in 2022, against 1,174 units for the same two-month period over 2021, making for an 8.8%  year-to-date drop.

The year-to-date figures suggest reason for optimism, however, as February’s statistics have improved on January’s 13.8% drop.

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