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Reifen Stiebling Unveil New Campaign to Stop Increasing Indifference to Safety Concerns when Buying Tyres

In a new, safety-conscious campaign, Reifen Stiebling are putting safety deficiencies in all-season tyres at the forefront, with the arresting slogan for all motorists- Shorten the braking distance. Not your life!, reports Gummibereifung.

A Message Taken to the Streets

Stiebling are so focused on getting the message out about safety they’ve put this on a trailer, with Christian Stiebling saying of the initiative, “We want to draw clear attention to the dangers of indifference, or apathy when choosing tyres. This ‘don’t care’ or ‘Safety not a concern of mine’ attitude seems be seeping into the mindset of motorists, which is in step with the growth of the increasingly important all-season tyre segment.” Manager Director, Alexander Stiebling also added “It doesn’t matter whether to opt for seasonal specialists from a premium manufacturer or for low-budget products which can be utilised all year round, whatever the weather, the decisive factor here is the extent to which the end user is aware of the serious difference in terms of safety and whether these users will handle the matter with more awareness in the future.”

The Right Tyre for the Optimum Security

In tests carried out for the all-season tyre for the ADAC car on all-weather tyres from one of the brand manufacturers, the results were definitive: the car came to an emergency stop almost 15 metres later than the summer tyre from another, renowned manufacturer. “With a few exceptions, only the competent tyre dealers work out the safety-relevant aspects when choosing tyres,” noted Christian Stiebling, adding “in many sales channels the tyre is either used as a loss leader to sell more profitable car servicing packages, or sold alongside them. In both cases, the necessary awareness of the issue of safety falls by the wayside.” This is something that Reifen Stiebling will try to change with their new campaign.

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