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Point S All Set for Autopromotec 2022

Point S Autopromotec 2022

At booth C40, Point S will be ready to explain the benefits of joining the Point S network with Point S’ Italian team. Point S will also be offering visitors a specially-created museum dedicated to tyre dealers and the history of the tyre trade.

Point S Coming to Bologna Fiere

Between 25-28th May 2022, Point S will be promoting its extensive tyre dealer and car maintenance network, alongside the Point S Italia team.

Fabien Bouquet, CEO of the international group and President of Point S Italia, commented, “We are looking forward to exhibiting at Autopromotec. It is an excellent opportunity to showcase our international brand and to develop the relationships that we have in the Italian market. I encourage delegates to find out more about our pioneering network of independent tyre and repair specialists.”

At Autopromotec, Point S will be celebrating the history of the tyre trade through a specialist exhibition. Its exhibit – Museum of the Profession, featuring equipment, imagery and memorability from the last 100 years of the tyre trade.

Two additional sections of the gallery are dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Point S itself. Visitors can enjoy a chronological journey through photos, objects and videos that capture the essence of the network and its evolution.

Adding yet more nostalgia to the exhibition, Point S will also set up a replica 1970s tyre shop, complete with period equipment from that era.

Commenting on Point S’ involvement, Lidia Komjanc, CEO of Point S Italia, said: “It is a pleasure to be exhibiting at Autopromotec. This is the opportunity to celebrate the tyre trade’s illustrious history, and a chance for Point S to showcase its global reach. Point S Italia aims to replicate the levels of excellence and leadership that the international group has demonstrated across the globe.”

Corrado Bergagna, a member of Point S Italia’s Board of Directors, said: “This is a unique project that is being carried out in Bologna for the first time. We are excited and honoured to be telling the story of our sector and the Point S network”.

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