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MWheels to Meet Department for Transport and DVSA to Discuss EU Roadworthiness Directive

MWheels Transport DVSA EU
MWheels is to meet with the Department for Transport (DfT) and DVSA to understand why the EU Roadworthiness Directive, and its section on CV wheels, has not been incorporated in UK law.

MWheels to Confer with Department for Transport and DVSA on EU Roadworthiness Directive

The DfT’s draft Heavy Goods Vehicle Inspection Manual, which is due to come into force from May 20th 2018, shows that there are ‘no major changes’ to section 06, Road Wheels and Hubs.

This is despite the company’s eight-year campaign which saw major input in both Periodic (2014/45/EU) and Roadside (2014/47/EU) doc...

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