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Fedecom Report Slight Drop in Tractor Registrations in April

Fedecom Tractor Registrations April

Fedecom have reported a slight drop in year-to-date figures for both agricultural and narrow-gauge tractors, as well as compact tractors.

Year-to-Date Figures Trailing April 2021’s Standpoint

Fedecom, the Dutch Association responsible for companies that are active in technology for agriculture, dairy farming, landscaping and horticulture, as well as for the industry and internal transport have published their monthly registration figures for April.

Starting with compact tractors, there we 70 units registered in April which represented an almost 13% year-on-year increase, but the year-to-date figures are still 4% down on 2021’s benchmark with 273 units sold. As far as agricultural and narrow-gauge tractors are concerned, April saw a near 21% year-on-year with 171 registrations for the month. This has meant that after 4 months of the year, 2022 is currently 8% down on 2021. Tyre manufacturers in the agricultural sector will be hoping this gap closes over the course of the year

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