Bus & Coach TyresBusiness News

Imports of Asian Tyres Grow by 3.2% in Truck Segment Until February 2024

Registrations of light commercial vehicles

According to data published by the National Association of Tyre Distributors and Importers (ADINE), Commercial Tyre Business can confirm that imports of Asian tyres in the truck tyre segment accumulated a growth of 3.2% until February, with a total of 65,880 units imported with imports from Thailand standing out registering an increase of 49.6%.

Thai Truck Import Increase Stand Out in Latest ADINE Figures

Delving further into the statistics, truck tyre imports saw a total of 33,790 units imported with imports tyres from South Korea (+118%) and Malaysia (+380%) showing increases.

In relation to agricultural tyre imports, growth of 4.1% was recorded until February compared to the previous year. This growth was supported by a total of 30,630 units imported, of which 15,280 units (50%) came from India.

Imports of Asian tyres in the construction, mining and earthmove segment decreased by 56.8% in the same period with 9,210 units imported, of which 5,360 units (58%) originated from India.

According to the Executive Secretary of ADINE, Óscar Bas, “The February data for imports from Asia, according to ICEX, show strong growth in the consumer and truck segments, mainly due to the decrease in container freight rates since mid-February, which has reactivated imports in the sector, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming months.”

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