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French Commercial Vehicle Market Sees Noticeable Year to Date Increase in Sales Figures

French Commercial Vehicle Market

Comité des Constructeurs Français d’Automobiles, the Automotive manufacturing association in France have released the latest vehicle figures for August, which show a decline for the month of August when compared to the prior year. However, there is a noticeable increase in the year to date figures, compared to the same period of time in 2020.  

Commercial Vehicle Registrations Show Steady Year on Year Signs of Recovery

With 21,560 light commercial vehicles (vehicles weighing less than 5.1 tonnes) over the 22 days of August, this represents a 16.53% drop on 25,831 for the 21 days of August 2020.

The reverse, however, is true when looking at the year to date figures. For light commercial vehicles, a 23.23% increase was recorded, with 296,894 registrations to date, against 240,925 from the year before.

Naturally, the effects of the Covid-19 restrictions put into place last year affected the figures, as France’s industry was completely halted. As there was a drop in August figures, the figures indicate that while the market is returning to form, there’s still a degree of uncertainty overall.

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