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Fedecom Tractor Registrations Decrease for July

Fedecom Tractor Registrations July

Fedecom has published its tractor registration statistics for agricultural and narrow-gauge tractors and compact tractors for July with both segments reporting the continue downward trend that we have seen across European markets recently.

Compact Tractors -56.1% Down on One Year Ago

169 units of agricultural and narrow-gauge tractors were registered in July according to Fedecom, which was -12.4% in arrears against July 2021. The 169 units registered in July took the year-to-date registrations up to 1,290 units which is similarly -9.6% behind 2021 at the same point.

As for compact tractors, this tractor class was worse affected with a -56.1% decrease on July 2021 as only 32 units were registered. The picture was better for the year-to-date figures but it still remained -3.6% behind.

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