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Continental Supports Publication of Wimmel-Max Children’s Books Offering Agricultural Tips to Young Readers

Continental Agricultural Tips Young Readers

Helping young readers with modern agricultural processes and expanding knowledge of regional foods, Wimmel-Max Verlag’s books – which also come in audiobook format – feature Continental tyres as the agricultural tyre of choice within the vivid illustrations.

Wimmel-Max Verlag Books a Great Fit for Continental

The educational partnership between Continental and Wimmel-Max Verlag and Continental will help readers discover local produce options across Germany. In the accompanying images to help promote local produce, the two lead characters, Wimmel-Max and Wimmel-Biene will be visiting farms across Germany. Along the way, the two protagonists will also see Continental tyres form part of the action on the agricultural machinery featured in the rural settings.

Continental’s Commercial Specialty Tyres Head of Sales and Marketing, Matthias Engelhardt, commented on the company’s participation and representation within the tales. He said, “We think it is important to show how important agriculture is in our society, and we are happy that our agricultural tyres can be seen in the book. We see ourselves as a partner to farmers and want to use our tyres to make agricultural work more efficient and safer.”

Considering Continental’s Vision 2030, which includes extending its agricultural tyre segment and influence within the sector, the books, which are now available on Wimmel-Max Verlag’s website, could well help Continental expand its influence in the German agricultural market in the years to come.

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