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Continental Certifies Fleet Operations

Continental Efficiency

Continental offers a new certificate, which documents how fleets are helping to protect the environment

Continental Provides Proof of Fleet Efficiency

Continental is presenting its fleet customers with an effective portfolio of solutions for making fleet operations efficient and sustainable. Fleet operators can choose from a modular range of solutions thanks to the Lowest Overall Driving Costs (LODC) comprehensive consultancy approach, including ContiLifeCycle and ContiConnect digital tyre management. The premium tire maker is now also providing operators with a certificate as proof of how they are helping to drive sustainability.

“Taking as a basis the ContiRe tyres fitted to the vehicles, we are able to calculate the material and carbon savings achieved during the course of production and retreading,” explains Siljana Lietz, Head of ContiLifeCycle at Continental Tires Germany.

A study conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT) showed that the carbon emissions of retreads are up to around 50 per cent lower compared to similar new tyres. Plus, recycled and renewable materials account for as much as 85 per cent of a retreaded tyre.

“We devised the certificate at the request of our customers, whose day-to-day business increasingly calls for evidence of their efforts to improve sustainability and look after our planet’s resources,” adds Lietz

The whole sustainability issue and climate-neutral transport are constantly gaining in importance in the logistics sector – a trend driven not least by tightly defined statutory requirements.


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