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Conference Programme Set to be Centre Stage at TyrexpoAsia 2021

Conference Centre Stage TyrexpoAsia 2021

Tarsus Group – Organisers of the Tyrexpo Asia 2021 Show in Singapore next March, have announced further details of the series of business conferences which will take place during the course of the three-day event.

Coferences on Retreading, Fleet Management and Digitalisation

Day One of the show will feature two conferences revolving around the subjects of retreading and fleet tyre management respectively. The Retreading Conference, entitled “Tyre Retreading and Recycling: Perspectives for the South-East Asian Market”, will be hosted on the first day in conference room 1, by David Wilson – Publisher of Retreading Business. The conference aims to cover a number of important issues relevant to South East Asian retreaders such as automation in the retreading industry and the successful inclusion of retreading into a fleet management programme as well as an analysis of the current challenges and latest market developments in both South East Asia and the Indian Continent.

The Fleet Tyre Management Conference will also take place on the opening day in conference room 2 and be hosted by John Stone – Owner of Sapphire Media (International Media Business Consultants). The conference will again look at varying aspects of global tyre management including Mobile Tyre Fleet Fitment and Equipment, The Asian truck tyre market, Future tyre sales trends in Europe, part-worn tyres and the car tyre fleet market in South East Asia.

On the second day of the show, there will be an additional conference organised by The Tyreman concentrating on ‘Digitalisation Strategies for the South-East Asian Tyre Retail Sector’. Several more informative conferences are planned during the second and final day of the event which will be confirmed nearer to when the show commences.

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