January 2, 2017DSV Acquires Exclusive Distributor Rights for Westlake Tyres in ScandinaviaDSV has come to an agreement with ZC Rubber Group Co. Ltd. and Pneuhage Company Group…Richard Wilson
January 2, 2017Magna Tyres Group Acquires Dutch Retreader OBO TyresMagna Tyres Group has announced that it has acquired OBO Tyres, the largest tyre retreader in…David Wilson
January 2, 2017Ultra-Seal Announces New DistributorsUltra-Seal has come to an agreement with Trans UK Equipment Management Limited, Truck & Trailer Industry…Richard Wilson
January 2, 2017Uniroyal Brand to be Supplied Exclusively through Bandvulc GroupBVF1RST, the wholesale arm of the Bandvulc Group are now the exclusive supplier of the Uniroyal…Richard Wilson