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Bridgestone’s Giant Strides in Technology Earn TyreSafe Award

Bridgestone Technology TyreSafe Award

A wide range of technologically advanced products and services across the Bridgestone business has helped to secure a prestigious award from a national road safety charity. 

Tyresafe Recognises Bridgestone’s Technological Successes 

TyreSafe, which is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of correct tyre maintenance, has announced Bridgestone as the winner of its Innovation & use of Technology Award, in recognition of the giant strides made in this area. 

The accolade represents further recognition for Bridgestone from TyreSafe, having collected the Tyre Manufacturer of the Year title in 2018, an Outstanding Achievement Award in 2017 and an Innovation and use of Technology trophy for DriveGuard, also in 2017. 

Despite the unprecedented conditions posed by the CoronavirusBridgestone has continued to innovate and excelled in a number of ways. Examples include a first-of-its-kind monitoring system for detecting tyre damage issues in real-time, TPMS for mining and off-the-road tyres offered by Bridgestone’s iTrack Solutions, and of course and Webfleet Solutions, with applications rangixng from transport management systems and on-board cameras, to mileage and HGV specific navigation. 

Meanwhile, a new regrooving app was introduced for commercial technicians to benefit from in the last 12 months, with every pattern on every Bridgestone, Firestone and Dayton tyres detailed clearly, featuring the correct depths and widths to adhere to when regrooving. 

Upon announcing Bridgestone as TyreSafe’s Innovation & use of Technology awardTyreSafe Chair and Chair of Awards Judging, Stuart Jackson, said: “Bridgestone’s entry was an impressive submission. The judges were presented with an in-depth programme of content with clear objectives and supporting assets which amplified the message very well. Bridgestone clearly understood its target audience making it a worthy winner of TyreSafe’s Innovation & Use of Technology Award 2020.” 

Bridgestone’s North Region Managing Director Andrea Manenti said: “On behalf of everyone at the business, I’d like to express our delight in earning this recognition – particularly in this area of technology and innovation. These are two values which constitute the foundation of our future vision as we continue our transformation to a mobility solutions provider. We are striving to embed the most innovative solutions in our organisation and for us to be commended for our work in this area over the past 12 months is incredible. 

“It means a lot to us and recognises the hard work carried out by all of our teams in such a tough year. It has been a challenge in a number of ways, but we’ve kept evolving to remain at the forefront of innovation and technology.” 

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