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Asian Truck Tyre Imports Declined in Spain in April 2024

Asian Truck Tyre Imports

National Association of Tyre Distributors and Importers (ADINE) data shows a 10.8% decline in Asian truck tyre imports from January 2024 to April 2024, with a total of 149,060 tyres imported, highlighting the imports from Thailand (+11.9%) and Vietnam (+6.4%).

Asian Truck Tyre Imports

In April 2024, there was a total of 55,190 truck tyres imported, representing a 6% decline compared to April 2023. However, the tyre imports from Thailand increased by 71.1%.

A year-to-date (YTD) data for the import of agricultural tyres from Asia shows a 2.1% decline as well compared to the same period last year, with a total of 66,310 units imported, 58% coming from India. Agricultural tyre imports decreased in April 2024 too, with a total of 21,640 units imported, an 8.1% decline compared to 2023.

For the construction, mining and earthmove sectors, YTD data shows a 40.9% decline, with 36,280 units imported, mainly from India (45%). Tyre imports for this sector decreased in April 2024 as well, with 12,560 units imported, which represents a 62.7% decline.

Óscar Bas, executive secretary of ADINE, spoke about the decreasing trend for truck tyre imports by saying that ...the truck segment continues its decline so far this year, possibly due to the global economic slowdown, supply chain disruptions and increasing operating costs.”

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