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Agricultural Machinery Registrations in Spain in February 2025

agricultural machinery spain

Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food published its monthly report on agricultural machinery registrations in Spain, showing an increasing trend in all categories in February 2025.

Monthly Agricultural Machinery Report

The latest report shows a total of 2,679 agricultural machinery registrations in Spain in February 2025. This number represents a 17.19% increase compared to the same period last year. Year-to-date data shows a 1.53% increase, with 4,717 registrations.

Tractor registrations in February 2025 increased by 32.7% compared to the same period last year, with 828 units registered. Year-to-date data follows the increasing trend with 1,538 registrations, which is almost 20% more than in 2024. Andalucia, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Castilla and Leon and Aragon reported the highest numbers of tractor registrations in February 2025.

Automotive machinery registrations increased by 10% in February 2025, with 121 registrations. Year-to-date data, however, shows a slight decline of around 4%, with 220 registrations. Andalucia, Catalonia, Canary Islands, Valencia and Galicia recorded the most registrations in this category.

Towed or suspended machinery registrations increased by 12%, with 1,530 units registered in February 2025. Year-to-date data shows a 4% decline, with 2,616 registrations. Andalucia, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla and Leon, Catalonia and Extremadura recorded the highest numbers of registrations, according to the latest report on agricultural machinery in Spain.

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